From your favorite supplements like our Organic Superfood Greens to the produce section at your local supermarket, wheatgrass is sprouting up everywhere. This grassy green has gained the attention of athletes, bodybuilders, and anyone looking to better their health. So, what sort of benefits does wheatgrass provide, and is there a good reason for all the hype?

Wheatgrass is prepared from the freshly sprouted leaves of the common wheat plant, Triticum aestivum. It can be grown at home, purchased at the supermarket, found in juices, and supplements like our Organic Superfood Greens. With claims that it can do everything from detoxifying the liver to improving immune function, it is definitely a plant that we need to delve deeper into.

While many of the proposed benefits of wheatgrass have yet to be proven or studied, there are a number of evidence-based health benefits from drinking this green juice. Wheatgrass is an excellent source of many vitamins and minerals. Especially vitamins A, C, and E as well as iron, magnesium, calcium and amino acids. Of the 17 amino acids in wheatgrass 8 are considered essential, meaning your body cannot produce them on its own. Much like all green plants, wheatgrass consists of chlorophyll, which is a type of green pigment associated with many health benefits. This gracious grass also contains several important antioxidants, including glutathione. These antioxidant compounds help fight free radicals that damage our cells, reducing oxidative stress in the body. Other studies have found that antioxidants also help protect against certain conditions, such as heart disease, cancer, arthritis, and neurodegenerative diseases. 

Most of us know about cholesterol, which is a waxy substance found throughout the body. While you need some cholesterol to make hormones and produce bile, too much cholesterol in your blood can block blood flow and increase your risk of heart disease. Luckily, several animal studies have shown that wheatgrass may be able to help lower cholesterol. One of those studies showed that rats with high cholesterol experienced a decrease in total cholesterol, including bad LDL cholesterol, when given wheatgrass juice. These effects that wheatgrass has on cholesterol levels are similar to those of atorvastatin, a prescription drug commonly used to treat high blood cholesterol.

Inflammation, or the normal response triggered by the immune system to protect the body against injury and infection, may also contribute to conditions like cancer, heart disease, and autoimmune disorders. This is something that affects many Americans and to the point where we all know someone suffering from some sort of inflammatory issue. One solution to this may be the use of wheatgrass juice and the many anti-inflammatory components it possesses. Chlorophyl is one of those many components that pack powerful anti-inflammatory properties. One test-tube study showed that chlorophyll inhibited the activity of a specific protein that triggers inflammation. Another test-tube study found that the compounds in chlorophyll reduced inflammation in cells extracted from the arteries.

These are just a few of the many benefits this powerful grass brings to the table. All from a plant that is easy to add to your diet. Whether you grow it at home and juice it yourself or find the ease and convenience of a supplement like our Organic Superfood Greens that has the benefits of wheatgrass without the hassle and mess of juicing, wheatgrass is something anyone could add to their diet.